Image Wheel - Multiple Image Uploader

Last Update
31 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Image Wheel Multiple image uploader that is easy to install and use. The demo only allows to upload images smaller than 200kb. Please note that the images in our demo have been uploaded by viewers and may contain nudity or disturbing images.

If you like our updates then please consider re-purchasing the item.

Mar 9, 2012 (v1.3)

Easy installation and configuration User registration and logging in Image titles and descriptions

Feb 6, 2012 (v1.2)

Gallery page with sorting and pagination Social sharing buttons Added header & footer Removed album link when there’s only one image Minor bug fixes

To update to this version from a previous installment, overwrite all of the included files and run install.php once on your site. Be careful not to lose your configuration by overwriting config.php!

Feb 3, 2012 (v1.1)

Google AdSense integration Recently added albums list on home page New user interface

Feb 2, 2012 (v1.0)

Uploading from computer and the web Multiple file uploading Removing selected files Drag & dropping images Progress bar without server-side requirements Customizable upload settings Album slider Automatic thumbnail creation Image statistics Shortlinks Install script to effortlessly set up database Easily translatable


MySQL database mod_rewrite support (.htaccess file)