Tweet to Download for WordPress

Last Update
1 February 2012
Regular License

Tweet to Download for WordPress is here! Turn the Tweet and Follow buttons into a social download system for your site and drives tons of new social traffic and backlinks to your WordPress websites! More Tweets = More Traffic = More $$$$$$


Works with both the Tweet and Follow buttons!

Built in tinyMCE toolbar plugin allows you to quickly and easily create fully customized download lockers with just a few clicks! Customize the text and URL that is pre-loaded in the tweet box! Works with any download URL !

Cookies remember users who already tweeted / followed!

Unlimited number of lockers per page! Customize locker styles right from the AJAX Admin Panel!

Control counter / button appearance! API enable / disable support. Comes with sample download script to push downloads to users’ browsers! Comes with full install instructions and documentation on how to use! Make Twitter your slave and generate tons of new social traffic!

Custom Event Tracking Tweet to download for WordPress is the only script utilizing this new framework I have created that allows for pinpoint action / button tracking unlike other bugy twitter content and tweet to download knock offs.

It also allows you to do some other cool things such as multiple button configs right now there are three ways you can use Tweet to Download.

Tweet Only – Create a download button that requires the user to tweet, you can pre populate the text of the tweet and define the URL that will be tweeted with the tweet as well! After the tweet is sent, the download will be started. Follow Only – Create a download button that required the user to follow a given username, on which the download will be started. Use both buttons – You can also include both buttons in one download locker! You can than require the user completes just one, or both of the actions to get their download!

Great For… Tweet to Download is great for all kinds of uses! They are endless.

Plus to download free design resources like icons, PSD templates, etc. eBook downloads. Video and audio downloads. App downloads. Tutorial downloads. Shareware sites. Wallpaper sites. Literally any kind of content!