Uptime - Website Uptime Monitoring

Last Update
11 February 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Uptime is a comprehensive website uptime monitoring service which you can use to monitor any number of websites around the world.

If one of your sites goes down you can check it manually on the Uptime site or get alerted by email so you can check your “downed” site out.

Some features of Uptime include:

Beautiful and simple interface Unlimited number of websites/individual pages can be monitored AJAX Powered “Check Now” function Ability to set up scheduled CRON job with email alerts In depth documentation Works with Javascript disabled.

With the email alerts in the cron setup you will only be emailed the first time the site goes down (so the script doesn’t spam your inbox).

Note: Uptime requires a server with MySQL, PHP v5.2+ and cURL to be installed and working.