
Last Update
10 February 2010
Regular License

The ColorSpaces plugin is a jQuery plugin that allows you to change the color of page elements by using any of 11 predefined color spaces. So, if you’re used to work with CMYK , RGB, HEX , or other color spaces like YUV , HSV, Lab, this plugin is for you. It offers a way of converting colors between any of these 11 available color spaces, but also offers you a way of creating CSS compatible colors (RGB, HEX and HSL ) from values defined in other color spaces.

Included in this package * The ColorSpace plugin (compressed and uncompressed); * The jQuery v1.3.2 framework (you can download the latest version from ); * An example html file which shows you this plugin at work.

Supported color spaces 1. RGB 2. HEX 3. HSL /HSI 4. HSB /HSV 5. YUV 6. XYZ 7. Yxy 8. Hunter-Lab 9. CIE -L*ab 10. CMY 11. CMYK