Jigoshop Products - Facebook Tab

Last Update
24 January 2012
Regular License
Extended License

This Premium Jigoshop Plugin allows you to integrate your Wordpress shopping cart (Jigoshop) with your Facebook page. Create a tab on the left hand side of your page and customers can view your Jigoshop products right within Facebook.


Show your Jigoshop products on your Facebook page. Customers can add products to their cart from Facebook, and then proceed to your website to checkout. Product tab will appear on the left hand side of your Facebook page. Easy to follow integration instructions Advanced Feature: Create multiple Facebook page tabs (with different names and icons) for your different Jigoshop product categories.

Facebook Product Embed Demo View the demo on Facebook by clicking here. The full Jigoshop website used to power this Facebook example is located here.

Installation Instructions

Purchase the plugin here from CodeCanyon Make sure you have the latest version of Wordpress and the free Jigoshop plugin installed Unzip the purchased file you downloaded from CodeCanyon, you should see a “fbtab-jigoshop.zip” file Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload in wordpress, upload the “fbtab-jigoshop.zip” file. Activate the plugin. Click on the new menu option “Jigoshop” > “Facebook” and follow the prompts.


A free Facebook page

SSL Certificate for your Wordpress (ie: make sure https://yourwebsite.com works) blog – without SSL some users may not be able to view your page from Facebook (contact your hosting provider to organise this) The latest version of Wordpress with the free Jigoshop shopping cart plugin installed If you have troubles with WPMU please contact me via email support and I can assist with getting it working asap.

Product Support If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.