WP Video Music Box

Last Update
30 March 2012
Regular License

Floating HTML 5 WordPress Player – WP Video Music Box Demo :http://www.freemusictube.net/wptests/Notice : Go to the left side of your screen and click ‘Play Music Button’ Very easy installation. Watch this video http://www.youtube.com/embed/LopoisUuPwM.Description WP Video Music Box – WordPress Plugin is first wordpress floating music player in the world. A music search box an player with the button “music” that will floating on the left of the web page. If the button click, the form will appear with slide effect. The form is using AJAX , so the page wont be reloaded.WP Video Music Box allows you to quickly create, save and modify your lists. WP Video Music Box uses youtube. You can search any kind of musician add them to your lists. This script is very modular so you can add other resources very easily. It can be integrated into any existing PHP page within minutes using a simple file include.

Please check the wordpress plugin demo page. Features . WordPress plugin.

. Youtube HTML 5 Player Support

. Working Without Flash.

. Easy to install

. All colors can be set in plain css

. Play List Manager

. Youte API and Chromeless player integration

. YouTube search

. Play list management

. Beautiful design

. No database required

. No settings required

. Homemade template engine system, You can easily develop this script.

. OOP based.

. Small homemade framework. (Using MVC system )

. All browsers support.

WordPress – Demo

Please check the [plugin demo page](http://www.freemusictube.net/wptests/).

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