UCM Plugin: Mobile Device View

Last Update
23 January 2012
Regular License
Extended License

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager before using this plugin.

Mobile Client Manager This plugin transforms your Ultimate Client Manager into a mobile friendly web app. The easiest way to see this demo is to visit http://ultimateclientmanager.com/demo/ from your mobile phone to see how different it looks.

This plugin optimises your UCM install so it loads faster on a mobile device and is easier to navigate. There is also a link to take you back to the full desktop version if you need to access all the normal application features.

Other UCM Plugins:

Mobile Device View Plugin Features

Manage customers from your mobile device Get a quick overview of your dashboard alerts, todo list and financials from your mobile phone Toggle full desktop mode if needed Display collapsed to take up less room on small mobile screens Uses jquery mobile

Demo View http://ultimateclientmanager.com/demo/ from your mobile device. Or click the live preview button above to see what it looks like on a mobile phone.

How to install

Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website Purchase this plugin Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions) Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system Click the + button to add the additional licence code Enter your licence code for this plugin Click the upgrade button This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


Working UCM install Check the upgrade system works on your hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

Product Support If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.