HTML5 3D Geolocation

Last Update
12 September 2012
Regular License
Extended License


Added a new feature: possibility of stop globe rotation on mouse over!

Description It is not just a HTML5 geolocation! This is a powerful script that allows you to monitorate your visitors’ geolocation, thanks to php – javascript – html5. You can choose among two different types:

A 3D animated version; A 2D static version;


It is supported by all major browsers, and also by IE 7 (browsers that does not support geolocation only show other visitors’ position); Easy to custom, thanks to the offline documentation and to the offline generator code; You can change: background color, map appareance, mark icon and speed too; The package includes also two .psd files to custom even more it; Possibility of edit the mark icon just uploading the mark icon which you prefer on your site! You can set as maximum (suggested) height 600 px, and as width 1200 px. Map images from NASA .

Note For the moment you can use only one globe for page; Online demo lags a bit because there are too many globes in the page. Here there is a single preview: Link;