Fading Menu with Notification Bar and Social Icons

Last Update
13 January 2012
Regular License
Extended License


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About Fading Menu with notification Bar

Fading Menu with notification Bar is a WordPress Plugin that will allow you to add your navigational menu (main menu or custom menu defined by you) along with notification bar at the top of your browser. Simply scroll down your browser a bit to see it in live action!

Welcome to our brand new WordPress Plugin. WordPress Fading Menu will implement a simple navigation menu that will turn on after a visitor scrolls down your page a bit. To see it in live action simply scroll down a bit and you will see the menu appearing at the top of your browser. The position where menu appears can be set via Administration Panel (in pixels from the top). The menu picks the data from your main WordPress Menu or from an additional menu that you can build in your WordPress Apperance/Menu settings.

Plugin also has the abilitiy to show a simple notification bar. You can set the text manually (with a simple text editor that will allow you to add links and change color on the fly), or set it to always show your latest tweet. This will allow you to always have an up to date notification bar with your latest news.

Social icons can be added to the right part of the fading menu. You can add your own social icons with the URL and alt text. There is no limitation to how many social icons you can add (apart from the horizontal space). You can find many amazing social icons at WebTreats.

Please check our website to get more informations about the plugin and to see a live demo!

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