Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress

Last Update
7 January 2012
Regular License

Subscriber Traffic Pop for WordPress takes the original jQuery version and puts it on steroids to create an awesome list building tool. Turn your traffic into an email list generating army by utilizing the Traffic Pop™ base as a way to generate tons of highly profitable email leads quickly and easily!


HTML5  subscription form with built-in validation, wrapped inside of the awesome Traffic Pop™ base. Subscription Manager - Keeps track of all emails+names in a WordPress styled format allowing you to quickly prune your email list! Remembers users who already subscribed, will not create duplicate entries in the database! One Click Export! - Allows you to export your email list into .csv or .txt format for use with pretty much any sending service such as MailChimp and Aweber.

Set countdown time, background opacity, popup message, and more right from the gorgeous AJAX admin panel.

Wait timer allows you to set the frequency (how often) users will see the popup. Granular page control! - Fine tune which pages Subscriber Traffic Pop should appear / not appear on as well as separate home page settings. Optional close button. Advanced Close - Optional close methods for the popup including ESC key to close, and clicking outside of the popup to close. Awesome control panel and manager are styled to fit in perfectly with the WordPress dashboard. Includes full documentation and install instructions!