jQuery Product Slider Plugin

Last Update
6 January 2012
Regular License
Extended License

The Product Slider is a jQuery plugin you can use to display your images, Youtube or Vimeo videos. The CSS3 animation is driven by Animate.css. It’s mobile friendly, which support your touch device.

Please remove the preview iframe bar on the top, otherwise there is a flash white in Safari. It works fine without the iframe.

Features: CSS3 driven animation. Support YouTube and Vimeo videos. Auto delay slideshow, paused when user hover the image. It’s lightweight. Mobile friendly. Graceful degradation, it will works on the browser which don’t support CSS3 transitions too. FAQ and uncompressed javascript files are included in the source package. Available plugin settings

containerClass: 'slideContainer', // the slider's container showNums: 3, // display how many thumbnails easeInType: 'bounceInRight', // the text block's animation style slideShow: false, // auto delay slideshow slideShowDelay: 4000 // the delay second of the slideshow

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