smWatermark WordPress Plugin

Last Update
23 January 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Overview The smWatermark WordPress Plugin is the only plugin you need if you want to protect your images with a custom watermark. Unlike other plugins that only allow you to do a text watermark, this plugin allows you to upload a custom PNG image.

Features There are also a stackload of options available with this plugin.

Set position of watermark Set quality of watermark Set the min-width images need to be to attract the watermark (Great for not applying the watermark to thumbnails)


Once downloaded the plugin zip file, login to you Wordpress website and click on Plugins-> Add New Select the Upload option at the top of the screen & then browse for the zip file and click Install Now Once the plugin has successfully installed and activated, you will see a submenu under Settings called smWatermark.

Configuration Once the plugin has been installed, you will need to configure the plugin to work how you want it to. When you click on the smWatermark link under settings, you will see the following options: