HTML5 TEMPLATE INTRODUCTION : Caution: This product contains countless electrically charged particles moving at extremely high speeds. Light, fast and simple, plug-ins starting from 3K total size and up.
Google code simplifies JavaScript by shortening and removing unnecessary code. It is lighter, that helps browsers read JS faster and makes it easier for developers embed scripts in to their projects. Google Maps API v.3 is designed to be faster and more applicable for mobile devices and desktop browsers.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION : HTML5 Google Maps API v.3 with printable store directions. BONUS : AJAX CONTACT FORM with onFOCUS EFFECT .
FEATURES : * HTML5 Full compatibility with browsers * Simple 2 Step Installation * NO JavaScript or Google API knowledge is needed, just insert start and end address inside <input> tags * Light, no unnecessary code or images * No ugly html tables allows you to insert this code into your project with minimum CSS modifications UPDATE 1 .1 * JavaScript – updated * Single map W/O pre-set location added * Custom Icons option added * Create multiple maps location on the same page added * BONUS AJAX Contact Form has been addedBuyer Rating Info I understand that sometimes some programs may not seems as simple as for other people. I spent some time to write this code as short as possible to be easy to read, understand and modify. If you’ll find yourself stuck at any point, before giving it an underrated score, please ask me for help. I’ll go above and beyond to make sure you get what you expected. Buyer Ratings can not be reversed. If you still feel like this template doesn’t deserves a five stars, at least write me an email with your comments or suggestions, so I can consider it and use it for my next updates.