AJAX Commenting Platform

Last Update
1 July 2012
Regular License
Extended License

This component allows you to install a fully AJAX commenting system on any webpage (requires jQuery).


» Allow users post comments and replies on any webpage>

» ALL operations are controled by AJAX so no waiting time!

» Comments rating system!

» Comments report system!

» Administration Panel where you can manage your threads and comments

» Comment Geotagging!

» Easy setup and costumizable with your own CSS

» Gravatar support (Can be disabled if you want)

» SPAM protection

» Optionally require comment approval before going live

» Optionally show user’s country name and/or flag

» Optionally show user’s browser and/or OS (usefull for websites about technology)

» Facebook style comment scrolling

» Automatically convert website links and email addresses to clickable links

» If you have experience with CSS and/or Javascript you can costumize as much you want

Requires PHP and MySQL server. Also needs jQuery framework Update v1.2 (01/07/2012):

» Added Edit comment ability

» Added ability to disable/enable CAPTCHA Update v1.1 (30/12/2011):

» Fixed geotagging bug which couldn’t locate many IP addresses (changed geocoding service)

» Added Geocode Commnets link on Admin Panel (For people who have installed older versions. It will re-geotag the existed comments which suffered from the above bug. May take some time)