AJDE maintenance mode countdown timer - WP Plugin

Last Update
2 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Furnine Under construction TimerMaintenance Mode – WordPress Plugin

This easy plugin adds a count-down timer splash screen to your website during website maintenance stage. You can change all of the content that displays on splash page via WordPress back-end settings for UCT .


Easy settings panel to change count-down timer settings Post currently working status Update percentage completed via progress bar Show the timer in 8 different languages Simple activate or deactivate the count-down timer from WordPress back-end Social media (twitter and facebook) integration Newsletter subscrption form – this form will send email of with email address of people subscribe for newsletter to your email address.

Demo Demo Link – front end

Change log

v1.7 - Dec 2, 2012 * Added HTTP 503 headers * More social media support * Ability to set up SEO for UCT page * Other minor bugs fixed

v1.6 - Nov 8, 2012 * Added "Black Charcoal" skin and updated other skins * Updated backend UI * Fixed Twitter API issues * Added ability to select number of latest tweets to show

v1.5 - August 3, 2012 * Updated WP backend for better user experience * Fixed timer issues for other languages on "Minimal" skin * Added optional paragraph section for footer * Minor changes to "Minimal" Skin

v1.4 - July 12, 2012 * Minor bug fixed

v1.3 - June 7, 2012 * Added a new skin - minimal * Easy logo image selection with thickbox (latest version of WP required) * Improved UI for backend

v1.2 - January 7, 2012 * Added support of 8 languages & I18n * Ability to customiza logo from back-end * Better back-end UI Design * Ability to hide intro paragraph * Fixed minor bugs

v1.1 - December 24, 2011 * Minor bug fixed with wp-admin login once timer on * Added direct link to UCT settings from back-end notification

v1.0 - December 21, 2011 * Initial Launch of the plugin