JQuery Dialogize

Last Update
2 July 2012
Regular License

This plugin can “DIALOGIZE” all, most important the option “TYPE” that defines the type of content to dialogize “empty” —> this generates your dialogBox with your “content”, “pdf” ——> the dialogBox becomes a pdf Reader, its path is pdf_src option “img” ——> in this case dialogBox becomes a zoom image…. N.B. there is another plugin that provide to image resize “confirm”—> the dialogBox becomes a confirm form whith button “YES” or “NO” and function of callback

callback functions are available before the dialog is opened and/or after is closed some css styles via js code different color and images for each dialog type draggable and resizable dialogs You can specify a precise width/height to dialog else pluging do it automatically depending on window size And more…. (SEE “LIST OF AVAILABLE OPTIONS ”) LIST OF AVAILABLE OPTIONS :

Name         Type            Default          What Does

content           STRING            ’’          content of dialog box (HTML/TEXT or JQUERY SELECTOR eg:. $(’#some_id’).html())

pdf_src STRING ’’ path of pdf that you want read, this option is valid only if type = “pdf”

type STRING ’’ type of dialog: pay attention: this option can have different value: 1) “empty” —> this generates your dialogBox with your “content” 2) “pdf” ——> the dialogBox becomes a pdf Reader, its path is pdf_src option 3) “img” ——> in this case dialogBox becomes a zoom image…. N.B. there is another plugin that provide to image resize 4) “confirm”—> the dialogBox becomes a confirm form whith button “YES” or “NO” and function of callback

img_dial STRING ’’ you can put an image before your content (NOT PATH BUT ENTIRE TAG ) eg:.

delay_close NUMBER ’’ this is delay in milliseconds before closing dialogBox (IF THIS OPTION NOT empty then option “CLOSABLE” is not aviable)

closable BOLEAN true indicates if dialogBox can be closed (IF DELAY NOT NULL THIS OPTION = FALSE )

overlay BOLEAN true overlay for dialogBox

color_overlay STRING #666 color of overlay

overlay_opacity NUMBER 3 opacity of overlay

resizable BOLEAN true if true , dialogBox is resizable .if you dont have jquery UI, plugin go on without resize

draggable BOLEAN true if true , dialogBox is draggable .if you dont have jquery UI, plugin go on without drag

before_open_dial FUNCTION ’’ function/s that are triggered immediately before dialogBox is opened

post_close_dial FUNCTION ’’ function/s that are triggered immediately after dialogBox is closed

confirm FUNCTION ’’ function/s that are triggered immediately after button “YES” is clicked

img_scr_close STRING ’’ image of close button (NOT PATH BUT ENTIRE TAG ) eg:.

text_close STRING ‘Close’ text of close button

w_dial NUMBER ’’ You can specify a precise width to dialogBox else pluging do it automatically depending on window size

h_dial NUMBER ’’ You can specify a precise height to dialogBox else pluging do it automatically depending on window size

text_yes STRING ‘YES’ text of YES button

text_no STRING ‘NO’ text of NO button

class_button_yes STRING ’’ you can add more class to YES buttont, give them an interspace eg:. “class1 class2 class3”

class_button_no STRING ’’ you can add more class to NO buttont, give them an interspace eg:. “class1 class2 class3”

other_class_container STRING ’’ you can add more class to container of content, give them an interspace eg:. “class1 class2 class3”

other_class_content STRING ’’ you can add more class to content, give them an interspace eg:. “class1 class2 class3”

other_class_close STRING ’’ you can add more class to close button, give them an interspace eg:. “class1 class2 class3”


/*/ / List of available css options for dialog container / // border:true, border_size: ‘5’, border_color: ’#33ccff’, border_radius:true, border_radius_size:’8’, shadow: true, shadow_size:’30’, shadow_color:’#666’, /*/ / List of available css options for dialog content / // color:’#666’, background:’#fff’, text_align:’left’, /*/ / List of available css options for close button / // background_close:’#33ccff’, font_color_close:’#fff’,


$.dialogize(‘destroy’)—> this method provides to destroy all opened dialogs it’s called when you close a dialog