WeatherSlider - jQuery animated weather widget

Last Update
30 April 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WeatherSlider Features

48 different weather types with a powerful weather API Showing current weather and 3 day weather forecast Showing current weather and 3 day weather forecast Beautiful CSS3 animations with jQuery fallback Responsive size from 240×200 to 1300×600 pixels (content, images and font size also auto resizing) Multiple (unlimited) locations in one slider Stunning admin user interface with visual editor to add locations Multiple (unlimited) sliders on your site with unique settings! Custom Location Search Bar (users can type their custom location) Auto-Slideshow and Auto-Refresh features (optional) Updated, reliable geolocation feature 12 or 24 hour time format Touch Control for mobile devices Keyboard navigation (optional) Multi-language support Supports all major browsers (but for using the WeatherSlider WP admin page we recommend Chrome, Safari or Firefox) Very Detailed documentation Layered graphic elements included in .PSD format Free support and future updates