Fancy AJAX Page Transitions

Last Update
22 December 2011
Regular License

New age AJAX page transitions. Converts all your links to page transitions with one line of code. Check out the live preview to see how this works. Super simple to implement!

Many effects to choose from like:

Slide left/right Slide up/down Fade Circle bubble up Standard loader with custom message Percentage loader You can change the easing and timing to create custom looking effects.

Most page transitions don’t work with real content, most examples don’t take into consideration background images, colors, and images on the page.

All of this has been changed on my script to provide a smooth transition.

This will set your site apart from the rest!


Status – Approved – ready to download. Fixed an issue with hitting back button on Firefox. Add an option to degrade nicely for users that come to the site without JavaScript enabled. (this is an option which is disabled by default). It is very rare to find users that don’t have JS enabled but I added the option just in case. Please see the documentation on how to enable this feature.