Factory Galleries jQuery Plugin

Last Update
29 June 2012
Regular License


If you view some error or the example don’t work, say to me in the comments, that can to be because the example use a particular script.

If you decide to buy my item, please let a vote, so I know if is good or bad.

Thanks to all.

Mr. J


Factory Galleries

You can create all Galleries you want with elegance and style


1. Crossbrowser pure JS/CSS implementation.

2. Multiple instances allowed in a single HTML page.

3. Easily resizable.

4. Integrated animated circular timer.

5. Includes 8 ready to use skins.

6. Easily customizable via initial Settings.

7. Custom per slide timeout and animation settings.

8. The is all via CSS (no image to load, only the slide image)

9. Set Shadow distance

10. iPhone / iPad Compatibility


1. Set the head code

2. Set the slide images