Layer - jQuery Ad Banner / Slideshow

Last Update
20 December 2011
Regular License
Extended License


Full Customizable Set Start / Stay time for each layer Set Easing In / Out Type Set Animation Speed Cufon font support Set number of preload images Enable / disable play pause button Option to add Replay button Support relative path Support unlimited layers

In plug-in code you can customize the banner using below variables jQuery(function($){ $('#jq_AdBanner').fmAdBanner({

assetPath : 'fmBanner_assets', banner_width : 250, banner_height : 250, numberOfImages_preload : 3, image_loader : "loader_img.png", image_sprite : "sprite.png",

loop : true,

playPause : true,

default_data_align : "C", default_data_spacing : "0,0", default_data_inOutDirection : "LR", default_data_inOutDistance : "0", link_url : "#", link_target : "_self"

}); });

Sample banner code

<div id="jq_AdBanner" style="position:relative; width:250px; height:250px; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; margin: 0 auto; background-color:#FFF" align="center">

<div data-starttime="0" data-staytime="30" class="imgSty" src="img1.jpg" style="width:250px; height:250px" />

<div data-align="BC" data-spacing="32,0" data-inoutdirection="LR" data-inoutdistance="40" data-starttime="6" data-staytime="20" class="divStyle"> <span class="txtMedium" style=" font-size:1em; color:#fff;">Layer - Ad Banner / Slideshow</span> </div>

<div data-align="LC" data-spacing="15,0" data-inoutdirection="T" data-inoutdistance="180" data-starttime="2" data-staytime="14" data-animationspeed="400" data-easein="easeOutBack" data-easeout="easeOutQuart" class="imgSty" src="img2.png" style="width:172px; height:111px" />

<div data-align="TL" data-spacing="2,90" data-inoutdirection="RL" data-inoutdistance="100" data-starttime="11" data-staytime="15" class="divStyle"> <span class="txtMedium" style=" font-size:1em; color:#000;">Clean</span> </div>


Customize this banner into any size: 300×250, 250×250, 240×400, 336×280, 180×150, 300×100, 720×300, 468×60, 234×60, 88×31, 120×90, 120×60, 120×240, 125×125, 728×90, 160×600 120×600, 300×600 Complete help document is included in download fileIf you have any questions about this file contact me through my profile page.

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