SocialBox - Social PHP Widget

Last Update
27 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With SocialBox you get an absolutely easy to use PHP Script which enables you to add a sleek social widget to your website or blog. It supports several social networks and displays the current numbers of Facebook Page Likes, Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst and GitHub Followers and YouTube and Vimeo Channel Subscriptions. You can enter default values which will be shown as a fallback if the related API is not reachable.


Displays the number of: Facebook Page Likes Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst and GitHub Followers YouTube and Vimeo Channel Subscribers

Rearrange and disable any of these networks to perfectly fit your needs Intelligent caching to reduce load time and API calls. Default values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable Full support for all major browsers Localization ready Free future updates, to support even more networks and additional features


PHP 5.2+ PHP Extensions: cURL & SimpleXML (these are enabled by default on common hosting services)

A word on Feedburner The Feedburner service was a problem: Google has shut down the Feedburner API as of October, 20th. For this reason, Feedburner support had to be removed from SocialBox.

Support If you have any further questions or you need support using or configurating this script, feel absolutely free to open a support ticket at my support site You can also use this items comments section for any presale questions. I will do my very best to help and assist you as quick as possible, but please also note that I cannot do any extensive customizations.

Updates Version 1.1.0 (Awaiting Approval)

Removed support for Feedburner

Removed support for Digg

Added support for GitHub

Fixed a bug that prevented the display of correct Twitter follower numbers