Universal WP App: iOS and Android Blog Companion

Last Update
15 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Item description

This Titanium app gives you the ability to create an app for you Wordpress based blog. This gives users a more interactive experience putting your posts, tweets and other information into a handy app that can be released onto Apples app store.

Main features

Add as many categories or pages from your blog Integrated twitter feed with oauth Add any offline info you wish (changelog etc.) Very robust code Full PSD’s for application graphics Comes with a mobile wordpress theme Documentation Works on both iPhone iPod Touch currently

NOTICE ! As this app has been completely rebuilt and i want it in your hands asap i have chosen to release 2.0 with a restricted feature set, this means the 2.0 will only be compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch, with 2.1 adding back in iPad support, 2.2 adding optimisations and new features, 2.3 ‘finally’ adding Android smartphones and admob with 2.4 adding Android tablets. This is the near future roadmap, and i will try to drum this out fairly quickly. If you need any of the above features then for now keep using v1.2 until a further update is released. Furthermore as this is a rewrite upgrading will require you to set your app up again from scratch. Many apologies for this however there is now a config file to prevent this from happening in the future. Thanks.

Updates Version 2.3

Added support for Android smartphones Added admob More intelligent resource retrieval in WP theme Added email field in config Many minor changes and bug fixes

Version 2.2

50% smaller resources folder, supreme optimisation Better animation handling Modules now sit inside app for easier setup Link to login to Wordpress Users can now use iOS’s built in twitter popup to send you a tweet Added iPad launch images Fixed a huge amount of errors and bugs Switched to zepto from jQuery in the WP theme Umm… did i mention it’s great

Version 2.1

iPad compatibility Absolute url fix Minor fixes

Version 2.0

Rebuilt from scratch New layout New Wordpress theme Extremely slimmed code base Faster due to localised resources Users can share your app via SMS Faster boot time Much more

Version 1.2

Now works in landscape mode Admob now integrated Built with the latest Titanium 1.8 SDK Slimmed code and made the popover easier to manage

Version 1.1

Added Wordpress PSD’s Altered Wordpress theme style Fixed minor code bug preventing Titanium from building for device Optimised Wordpress theme quite massively by killing many now unused images and slimming code

Ideas Let me know what features you want to see in future updates! Also don’t forget to rate this item.