Single Sign-On For Magento And WordPress

Last Update
29 November 2011
Regular License
Extended License

For full details, please see the documentation. Here it is, the extension we’ve all been waiting for – single sign-on for Magento and WordPress! Let me explain the type of scenario where you’d want to use this extension: You are creating a website, or own a website, that is built using a mixture of Magento and WordPress. It may be that WordPress is used to manage pages and a blog, while Magento is used purely for it’s e-commerce functionality. Or perhaps all your pages and e-commerce functionality are managed through Magento, and WordPress is simply there as a blog platform. In either scenario it is common that users will register to your site, whether it is in Magento when checking out – or even in WordPress to leave comments or view member-only sections. As both Magento and WordPress require registrations separately, it can be annoying or confusing for users – this is where my extension comes in. By installing this Magento extension, you can remove all links to the WordPress registration/login area, and simply use the Magento “My Account” area for both! Requirements

Magento and WordPress should be installed on the same domain (eg. WordPress on and Magento on If they aren’t on the same domain, they should at least share the same server (document root) – There may be a solution to this, if needed. WordPress should not have any plugins installed that use sessions. It can still work if there is plugins with sessions, but it will be better without.

What Does it do? This extension allows your customers to:

Use one account throughout your Magento and WordPress website. Instead of registering on both Magento and WordPress separately, customers can simply register in Magento and automatically be created a WordPress account. Sync Password and user information changes between Magento and WordPress. Sync login/logouts between Magento and WordPress.

When using this extension, you will need to direct any WordPress login or registration pages to the ones in Magento. This can simply be done by linking them to As soon as a user signs up in Magento, they will automatically be created a WordPress account and get logged in. If a user registers at the Magento checkout, a WordPress account is automatically created for them as well. If a user vists the “My Account” section in your Magento website, and changes any of their information (for example, their name), it will get updated in their WordPress account as well – very handy for when they leave comments on your Blog! Basically, any users of your Magento and WordPress website will only ever need to register once, and can manage their global account through Magento’s “My Account” area. They will never need to visit the WordPress Dashboard. What Doesn’t it do? The following is a list of things that this extension does not do.

This extension will not automatically remove links to your WordPress login area, this will need to be edited in your WordPress theme files. This plugin does not restrict access to your WordPress login area – by manually removing the WordPress login links it is unlikely your customers would go there, but I am sure there will be other methods of redirecting users to the Magento login area, if needs be. This plugin does not allow users to enter a “Website” in their profile – however, this is something I am looking into for a future update.