Google Maps Module with Geolocation - WP Plugin

Last Update
4 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

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Login : DemoUser

Password : TryMeNow Introduction Google Maps module was created to provide a simple service for those who need to provide a route easily. With geolocation, you can provide a route from anywhere to your home, business, factory etc … In addition, the geolocation is compatible with all browsers that support javascript account. In fact, if your browser is not compatible with the geolocation HTML5 , it will take place with Google AJAX API . Here, it’s the module has been adapt to wordpress Features Google Maps module offers many features:

A simple route, step by step. Full compatibility with browsers. An easy integration Geolocation of two ways:

With HTML5 for recent browsers. With Google AJAX API to others.

A simple design for easy customization. English and French. Integration very easy and fast. JS code detailed to be modified by anyone.

ChangeLog Geolocation With Google Maps Module is very young but has already undergone changes: V1.4 Solving some bug with cURL Solving some bug with Geolocation No more Api Keys Fully compatible


54 new languages Customize Buttons Multiple Locations Advanced description Enable and Disable all you want in the module Only map mode


Improved design Adapt to wordpress


I hope that this module will make you happy ! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any problem. In addition, I am young and French, thank you for forgiving towards my spelling Let me a comment or a link to see how you integrate the Module