
Last Update
27 December 2011
Regular License

LeValidate gives you ability to validate forms by rules that are very easy to set along with css3 dynamic notification box which you can modify as you like. Plugin is mainly designed to be light and easy to edit for everyone.

Package includes necassary files with documentation and couple of examples to understand everything.

LeValidate v1.25 (11.12.2011)

Beautiful notification box style New nice submit button style Multi-column styles

LeValidate v1.2 (1.12.2011)

New Notification box styles Added option to show only input ico as notification New input styles

LeValidate v1.11 (25.11.2011)

New CSS styles available Single option to disable notification boxes Mini fixes

LeValidate v1.1 (23.11.2011)

Fully compatible with jQuery 1.4.4+

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