Camera More

Last Update
3 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Camera More is iPhone full App, is a native xcode application. It’s a simple application, however you can customize it and add more features.Create your costum filters with Adobe Photoshop You can create new filters (color curves) with Adobe photoshop.


- Take pictures with camera - Slider menu for filters like instagram - iPhone 5 compatible / include images -568h@2x - Use pictures in album - Amaro Filter - Aqua - Doublecross Filter - Greenpurple Filter - Rise Filter - Vintage Filter - Pixellate Filter - Sepia Filter - PolarPixellate Filter - Crosshatch Filter - ImageSketch Filter - ImageToon Filter - SmoothToon Filter - Emboss Filter - Posterize Filter - Swirl Filter - BulgeDistortion Filter - Grayscale Filter - Red Filter - Green Filter - Blue Filter - Save modificated image - Share image on facebook (ios6) (new v1.4) - Share image on twitter (ios6) (new v1.4) - Print/mailto/Send message …(ios6) (new v1.4) - 100% customizable design - iOS 6 / ARC (new v1.4) - Full source code included - Documentation is included within the .ZIP file.

For more detail and structure and tips for customisation, read Readme/readme.html

Let me know if you have any suggestions, Thanks for your purchase!

Update 1.4 IOS 6 / ARC New system for photo sharing Landscape and Portrait mode

Update 1.3 6 New filters: Amaro, Aqua, doublecross, Greenpurple, Rise & Vintage

Update 1.2 New graphical user interface New menu with all filters Works in iPhone 5 (640×1136)

Update 1.1

15 New Visual Filters, Sepia, Pixellate, PolarPixellate, Crosshatch, ImageSketch, ImageToon, SmoothToon, Emboss, Posterize, Swirl, BulgeDistortion, PinchDistortion, StretchDistortion, Vignette & Kuwahara


I put a commented example of how to create new color filters. Through the example it is possible to create other types of filters, as long as you have a pixel bit-manipulation base. News icons: icon@2x.png, icon.png & icon 512×512 px.Update

Small update on the readme file to help set up facebook. Bug fixed after the initial selection.