zServer -Multi-User Chat Server/Data Communication

Last Update
30 October 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Have you ever wanted to connect your .net application to another computer? With zServer you can setup an extremely simple Data communication system with just a few simple steps. With zServer only the host needs to open a port(Port forward) the clients will NEVER have to port forward.

The zServer and zClient are both included in this package. zServer allows users to use the Server or the Client as a standalone system. This means that if you are the host using the zServer the clients connecting to you will not have to use the zServer, they will only use the Client from zServer without having to start their own server.

With zServer/zClient You can:

Send Private Messages to other users Send a message to everyone online Get all the users online as an array Manage users who just Logged in/Logged out Manage every data incoming

The zServer is extremely easy to use! You can simply just reference the DLL into your .Net application and just select the Events from the drop-down menu. You can also just drag and drop the zServer files into your project.

The zServer can be used in any application which requires other members to interact. Whether its a Game, Chat Room, synchronized Movie player, PC-to-PC control system, or just about anything that needs to transfer data.

If you are unsure about the zServer please check out the Video Link or feel free to drop an email/comment.