jQuery Carousel Evolution for WordPress

Last Update
22 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

jQuery Carousel Evolution for WordPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create powerfull carousel slider in a few minutes. You can then integrate it into any page with a single shortcode. It includes a full back-end interface to create and customize your Carousel. It also offers a preview mode to easily try out some settings before pushing them live.

The Carousel also supports YouTube videos and Vimeo videos, enabling you to play your chosen videos directly into your Carousel !

New in V2: since version 2 the carousel is supporting he display of videos directly from the YouTube API (channels, videos searches by keywords, YouTube videos by categories, standard YouTube videos like the most popular etc…). The videos can play directly into the carousel and supports all the customization supported with the standard carousels !

Demo available here

Features - Virtually Unlimited customizations (sizes, positioning, effects) - Control the size of the carousel, and of the front and back images - Carousel autoplay and duration customization - Unlimited number of images supported by the Carousel - Very easy admin interface to manage all your Carousels - Supports shortcodes to integrate your Carousel into any page - Preview mode included with a shortcode generator - Play YouTube and Vimeo videos directly into the Carousel - Displays consistently on major browsers - New in v2.0: Carousel integrating videos directly from the YouTube API - New in v2.0: Touch navigation support making your carousel awesome on the iPad ! - New in v2.0: Images uploader available fron the backend - New in v2.0: Roller Coaster effect (check out the demo) - New in v2.0: Auto populating from the YouTube API (check out the demo) - New in v2.2.1: Ability to reorder the carousel entries - New in v2.2.1: Ability display a description related to each entry - New in v2.2.1: Rich text editor supported for the description - And much more settings and customizationDemo available here

This plugin has been fully tested on the default WordPress themes (Twenty Ten and twenty eleven). You may need to make some minor CSS adjustments depending on your theme’s CSS . We will of course always provide help and support to help you getting this plugin display properly on your site.

Updates 18 Jan 2013 - Updated the plugin to the latest WP version 3.522 June 2013 - Added the ability to reorder the carousel entries (drag & drop) - Added the ability to display a description related to each entry above or bellow the carousel - Added a rich editor for the description - Code improvements