jStyle Lite: Enables CSS Styling of Web Forms

Last Update
13 October 2011
Regular License

29/02/2012: Please note that this item seems to be incompatible with jQuery 1.7 or higher. Due to the low number of sales, I have decided to drop support for this item indefinitely.

jStyle Lite is a lightweight form styling tool built on the jQuery framework. At just over 5kb in size, it provides a quick way to easily take control of the styling of your web forms without leaving a huge footprint. In addition, it requires absolutely no extra HTML markup!

Since the advent of CSS , styling web forms has not only been a hassle, but for some form elements, styling was simply impossible. Enter jStyle.

jStyle Lite dynamically replaces form elements with other HTML that is easy to style with CSS , while at the same time maintaining the functionality of the web form. The elements that jStyle Lite can style include:

Checkboxes (<input type=”checkbox”/>) Radio Buttons (<input type=”radio” />)

Drop Downs (<select>) Multi Selects (<select multiple=”multiple”>) Single Line Text Inputs (<input type=”text”/>)

Multi Line Text Inputs (<textarea>) Buttons (<input type=”submit” />, <input type=”reset” />, <input type=”button” />, <button/>)

jStyle Lite also allows you to easily modify the states of these elements, for use in your own applications. You can check/uncheck, select/deselect, and disable/enable elements on the fly!

Check out the examples to see jStyle Lite in action!