StoreApp: A Titanium Store Application Template

Last Update
17 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Latest Update: Version 1.5.1 (June 17, 2013)

StoreApp is a complete iOS and Android store application template built using the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework. This template is great for retail business owners or consultants who build solutions for business owners. Both hard and soft goods. Use this template to quickly create an Android or iOS mobile store for your business or for your client.

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NEW! Includes ViewScrollr Pro Module

NEW! Localization Support Android and iPhone support Spotlight & Featured sections to showcase products Product detail screens for in-depth descriptions (HTML formatting) Product grouping for easy browsing by potential customers A fully functional shopping cart Code to integrate PayPal module. Included

Code to help send completed orders to your server Add multiple info tab screens easily with the configuration file and some web pages Customize payment success message in configuration file Product options for each item in your store (size, color, etc…) Modify item quantity in the cart edit screen.

Full documentation included! We also plan on releasing advanced customization tutorials in the near future. Stay informed on future releases, tutorials and news on our facebook page and twitter feed.

Contact & Support Support: Google+: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: Website:

Changelog Version 1.5.1 (Jun 17th 2013)

Add latest ViewScrollr Pro module (v1.0.1) Update home page UI (add nav bar & featured items header) Add singleTap event for products in spotlight section

Version 1.5.0 (Jun 5th 2013)

[Feature] Update Spotlight section with ViewScrollr Pro module. You can now have animated captions in each promo slide. [Feature] Add support for localization. Include PayPal module in download

Version 1.4.1 (Jan 31st 2013)

[Fix] Remove old call to CartWindow in CheckoutModal [Fix] Add missing iPhone UI files

Version 1.4.0 (Jan 25st 2013)

[Feature] Support for Android devices [Fix] PayPal module code was updated. v1.6.1 for iOS and v2.2.1 for Android

Version 1.3.0 (Mar 1st 2012)

[Fix] When two matching items with different options are in the cart and one is deleted… the last to be added is removed which may not be the one selected for deletion. This is fixed in this version [Fix] App would crash when multiple items are removed using the edit mode in the cart. This is also fixed Re-factor code in preparation for Android version

Version 1.2.0 (Dec 14th 2011)

[Feature] Modify item quantity in the cart edit screen [Fix] The sample Product JSON file was invalid and would cause error if used directly. This is now fixed [Fix] PayPal module was updated to version 1.4 which brought some changes to the API. We updated the integration with StoreApp so it works as expected.

Version 1.1.0 (Oct 24th 2011)

[Feature] Product options for each item (size, color, etc…). This includes a options menu modal displayed when adding and item to cart and a list of options selected for each item in shopping cart (see screenshots). [Improvement] Custom message setting in configuration file for successful purchase. [Improvement] Easily add one or more info screens using configuration file. Just add a title and a url for the webview. [Fix] The area between the title and checkout button in the cart was clickable even when cart was empty. This would cause the checkout modal to display with the Paypal button. This is fixed in this version. [Fix] The order data returned from a successful purchase was invalid. The item quantity parameter was returning null or undefined. This is fixed in this version.

Version 1.0.0 (Oct 10th 2011) Initial release

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