SocialBox - Social WordPress Widget

Last Update
21 June 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With SocialBox you get an absolutely easy to use WordPress Plugin which enables you to add a sleek social widget to your WordPress site or blog. It supports several social networks and displays the current numbers of Facebook Page Likes, Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst and Digg Followers and YouTube and Vimeo Channel Subscriptions. You can enter default values which will be shown as a fallback if the related API is not reachable.


Displays the number of: Facebook Page Likes Twitter, Dribbble, Forrst, Digg and GitHub Followers YouTube and Vimeo Channel Subscribers

Rearrange and disable any of these networks to perfectly fit your needs Choose from various styles to match your site Use compact (12K, 3.2M) or full (12.000, 3.200.000) numbers Updates at an configurable interval to reduce load time and API calls. Default values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable Automatic update notifications Full support for all major browsers Localization ready (.pot file included) Free future updates, to support even more networks and additional styles and features


WordPress 3.0+ PHP 5.2+ PHP Extensions: cURL & SimpleXML (these are enabled by default on common hosting services)


“I picked the plugin up a few days ago and was immediately impressed with its quality. While the task it performs is relatively simple, and there are numerous free plugins that can do more or less the same, SocialBox definitely stands above the crowd with it’s high quality. The widget works perfectly, is clear and easy to use, and provides a nice addition to any WordPress site. [...] If you’re looking for a new social widget, I highly recommend this one.” – Pippin Williamson (mordauk) (Read the full review)

“It was a love at first sight with me and this plugin [...]. One thing i love most is it’s speed, it loads quickly than any other these type of plugins (that i have seen). It’s a plugin that worth buying, and it only costs 4$ [...].” – Saeed Salam (Read the full review)

Updates Version 1.3.2 (06/21/2013)

Fixed a bug that caused to display “0” for Twitter users with more then 1k followers

Version 1.3.1 (06/20/2013)

Fixed a bug that caused to display “0” for all Twitter users

Version 1.3.0 (11/17/2012)Important: After updating the plugin please re-save all your SocialBox widgets! Added additional styles Added support for GitHub Added an option to use compact numbers (8.4K, 23M, ...) Added an option to set a forced widget & button width Added an options page including a help section and an API error log Removed support for Feedburner (Google abandoned Feedburner, please don’t ask ME why) Improved caching functionality Fixed a bug that could lead to “Invalid Header” messages in certain cases Fixed a bug that could lead to too long cron run times and unsuccessful refreshes Major plugin code changes and improvements Major HTML / CSS improvements Documentation overhaul Updated localization files

Version 1.2.1 (11/27/2011)

Fixed a bug that disabled update notifications Added correct “alt” attributes to the network images

Version 1.2.0 (11/24/2011)

Added additional networks: Dribbble, Forrst, Vimeo and Digg Added an option to open links in new Windows/Tabs Added the ability to change order of networks Redesigned Widget options to improve clarity Updated localization files Minor CSS improvements

Version 1.1.1 (10/25/2011)

Fixed a bug that could make WP 3.0 & 3.1 stop working after plugin activation in certain situations Added support for WordPress 3.3 Minor CSS improvements

Version 1.1.0 (10/11/2011)

Added support for YouTube Channels Updated localization files