Live Events v. 1.0

Last Update
8 October 2011
Regular License


“Live Events” is a PHP, mySql, ajax(jQuery) script where you can stream events in real time. You can stream sports, concerts and any kind of events. Your visitors can add their comments (if this is enable) and you can as admin (or writer) add comments, images and videos (from or NOTE: This script ISN’T for audio or live video streaming! Is just for text, photos and videos from Youtube or Vimeo.

To install the application does not need special programming knowledge. You need to know how to create a database and a FTP software. The appearance of the application to your website is a simple copy/paste some code in page’s source you want to display the event! You can add,edit very easy an event by using the adminpanel! The application comes with 10 pre-designed layouts. You can easily create your own layout by changing some parameters in an CSS file! In the application files you will find some files with help/instructions for all the above and for any problems or questions please contact us!

-Update 7th October 2011 We have fix a bug. If you have purchase our application, please download the files again and upload all files of the folder “liveEvents” except the folder “install” and the file”config.php”.


Admin or writers can send comments for an event in real time! Visitors can send comments for an event in real time! (show after admin/writers approve) Very easy administration for edit, add live events! Very easy layout changing! Unlimited events! Unlimited Writers with their passwords! Social share and rss file for each event! Easy installation!


Admin can create new events or edit, delete events etc. Admin can create a new writer Admin can add new images, videos (from or Admin can delete or edit writers! Admin can set a web radio station to listen in event's page (from Shoutcast) and show with a flash or Windows Media player! Admin can send comments and approve/delete visitor's comments!


Writer can create new events or edit events (can't delete events). Writer can edit his/her settings Writer can add new images, videos (from or Writer can send comments and approve/delete visitor's comments!


Visitors can send comments (if comments are enable - show after admin/writer approve) Visitors can send comments with their username Visitors can listen to your radio station when watching the event (if radio is enable) Visitors can share the event (with facebook, twitter or google+)!

REQUIREMENTS (You can ask your hosting about these)

PHP version 5 and better MySql version 5 and better GD version 2 libraries Enable fopen, fwrite etc cUrl libraries SimpleXml enable Permissions for make or edit new folders and files allow_url_fopen : ON