PrintPress - WordPress Print Plug-in

Last Update
2 June 2013
Regular License


PrintPress is a WordPress plugin that creates a more printer-friendly version of your posts for those that are frequently printed. By simply appending /print/ on the end of a blog post, you will be presented with a “clean” version of your post without your theme so it’ll print out much better.


Print Template: The plug-in comes with an elegant and simple print template.

Template Editor: You can edit your template, change the HTML and CSS code, and use multiple variables in it.

Media Filter: Automatically filter videos and images from your print pages.

Smart URL: The plug-in detects your Permalink structure and use the right URL for your print pages. Demo

Typical Blog PostPrintPage of the blog post.

Updates Version 1.1

Additional variables ShortCodes support

Version 1.0

Initial Release