Elitepack CSS3 Display Screens

Last Update
28 September 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Elitepack CSS3 Display Screens are a collection of web elements that are designed with pure CSS3 technology meaning that no images have been used apart from the background images. This particular pack is the CSS3 display screens which are a nice modern way of showcasing your application, website or portfolio gallery using CSS3 powered display ‘vectors’. It includes an iphone 4, imac screen, macbook pro, macbook air, and an ipad 2. All the models also come with black and white variations.   Features at a Glance Pure CSS3 Cross browser compatibility: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE9, IE10 – Preview Complete set includes: ipad 2 (black/white), macbook pro, macbook air, imac monitor (black/white), iphone 4 (black/white) Simple to implement Scalability without losing pixels Use different orientation (horizontal/vertical) Stack multiple items together Abstract classes that allow you to have different combinations HTML5 Video Support iframe Support Free pngs generated from html Looks good on iPad Nice CSS3 Shadows on modern browsers Well Documented and commented code Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this item. I hope you enjoy it. Note: If you like this item, please spare a minute to rate it.   How to implement To add a display screen to your HTML markup you only need to add a couple of divs and choose your optional classes like glare, rotation, camera light on etc. For instance to create an ipad use the following code: <div class="tablet"> <div class="screen-t" /> <div class="addons-t" /> <div class="button-t" /> </div>

  Version Control 09/28/2011 - Initial Release 1.0