jQuery - Date - Mailer

Last Update
26 September 2011
Regular License
Extended License

jQuery Date Mailer works in all major browsers. The plugin gives you the abbility to mark multiple locations add memos to this location and send all as mail to your friends, business partners etc. The recipient then has the opportunity again to add new markers, memos and to answer you.

Features Overview

unique jQuery object, no linking to any DOM -Element css styled dragable mail menu direct inside the map language support serversided mail validation serversided script- and html-tag filtering Unicode for mail and memo messages css styled custom info window custom meeting category marker klm-setter and kml-getter script formated kml with php template mysql database support – included php installation routine included error-handling templates for gui and error-handling mail-template support easy installation demo page included PSD files, including full layered PSD layouts. detailed documentation included

Sources and Credits I would like to thank the following providers. This plugin wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of them.

jQuery 1.4 – jQuery – Javascript framework, from google code library

jQueryUI 1.5.3 – jQueryUI – jQuery User Interface library, from google code library

MExtendedInfoWindowUI.js by Joe Monahan- GoogleMap – Extention for InfoWindow styling and behavior with some changes by me

PHPMailer – PHP email class by Andy Prevost- PHPMailer – PHP email transport class