jQuery Fullscreen Grid Gallery

Last Update
1 May 2012
Regular License
Extended License

The GridGallery is a jQuery plugin you can use to display your image like photography or other works. The image support both landscape and portrait.

Update 2012 1th May Rewrite the code, add video support, add CSS3 animation transition support etc. Features CSS3 animation. It’s driven by Animate.css. Gallery thumbnail can be in list and grid. Optional auto delay slideshow, and paused when user hover. Support youtube and viemo videos. Optional image/video description. Large image is clickable or not. Optional close button position. Credit The pictures some are from the photos8.com, the others are from Simon.

Recommendations For You jQuery OneByOne Slider Plugin: XML Image/Video Grid Gallery: 3D Cube Banner Rotator: XML Grid Image/Video Gallery With 3D Flip: