Oli iPhone: Agencies and Designer Portfolio App

Last Update
15 September 2011
Regular License

Oli iPhone: An app template designed for web and mobile app development agencies or designer portfolios.

Oli iPhone App is an iOS template built on Appcelerator’s Titanium. It is designed for web and mobile app development agencies or designer portfolios. Because of it’s flexibility you can also use it for showcasing other web or mobile apps. Add as many tabs as you want to create a full personal portfolio on the iPhone!

Check out the Live Version here: http://vimeo.com/22360599

Oli iPhone App includes: Home Page, Gallery Page, Twitter Page, Blog Feed and Contact Form. All pages are commented and documented in the included Development Resources folder. All Photoshop .psd files are included in a separate folder for every little part of the App.

You can publish this App to the iTunes Store or the Android Marketplace quickly with the tools provided by Appcelerator. Ask me if you have questions about publishing with the iOS developer SDK . Or, if you’re new to Titanium, it’s important to understand how it works. In short: Code in javascript and your app ends up compiled as a native app that uses native iOS APIs. This app is not a browser-based app. This app will end up being a native iOS app using Titanium’s API .