Sugar Modal Windows for WordPress

Last Update
26 March 2013
Regular License

Sugar Modal Windows provides an easy-to-use interface for creating Modal popup windows for your WordPress powered website.

The Modal Windows are powered by slick jQuery transitions and are fully compatible with all modern browsers and IE 7-9.

Modal Windows created with this plugin can contain any kind of information, including text, audio, video, shortcodes, etc.

Your options are limitless! With 13 configurable options for every modal, there are literally thousands of different modal windows you can create.

Use them to show off privacy policies, banner ads, portfolio images/videos, miscellaneous information, additional details, and anything else!

From The Buyers

This is hands down the finest WordPress plugin I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Indefinitely customizable, super easy to set up and utilize. I wish I had found this months ago and saved myself acres of headaches.

- Tieson Wooten


13 options to configure per modal, plus modal title and content Create modals with the WordPress post editor Display any kind of content Display Options:

Modal Width Modal Height, with automatic height calculation option included Popup Speed Option to auto open modal on page load Option to auto open modal on first page load only Set delay for how long before the modal window opens automatically Display Modal Title Display a close button Window Transparency Site Overlay Opacity Modal Border Color Border Size Border Roundness Title Bar Background Color Title Text Color Content Background Color Content Text Color

Display Modal Windows with Short Codes Easily Insert Short Codes Through Tiny MCE Short Code Builder Two “Open Modal” Link Styles: Button and Plain Text Three “Open Modal” Button Sizes Seven “Open Modal” Button Colors Inline Help Documentation Extensive Help Page

Known Conflicts

Google Maps do not work in the modals. There is a conflict between the modal jQuery and the maps API.

Embed code that uses ajax or places javascript or jQuery inside of the modal tend to cause problems as well.


All support for this plugin is now provided through my dedicated support forum. Please go there to ask support related questions.

Change log v1.0.1 - fixed nonindexed errors, and corrected opening height bug.

v1.0.2 - added option to open modals from custom links

v1.0.3 - added a height option and also option to have tall modal windows scroll their content

v1.0.4 - added option to enable auto open on page load, including cookie support to make modals only open the first time the page loads.

v1.0.5 - added option to enable auto open on first page load only.

v1.0.6 - Changed modal query to use ID by default to fix a bug seen occasionally. The modal name is the fallback query option for backwards compatibility.

v1.1.0 - Added delay option to the auto open feature.

v1.1.1 - Updated file includes to prevent very rare conflicts with themes / plugins that have identical file names.

v1.1.2 - Fixed a bug caused by WordPress 3.4.

v1.1.4 - Fixed a cookies bug

v1.2 - Fixed compatibility issues with WordPress 3.5