Bluetrait Money

Last Update
8 August 2013
Regular License

Bluetrait Money is an online web application designed to keep track of your personal shopping list, recipes and money tracking.

It is great for shared households or families who wish to keep track of who spends what. You can create multiple “boards” to separate different spending (i.e house, car etc).

A report can be generated once a month (or manually) to get a break down of where your money went and each report is graphed so that you can easily see the changes month to month.

You can create your own recipes and add the recipe items to your shopping list. With an unlimited number of recipe categories you can easily find the recipe that you’re after.

Please make sure you open documentation/index.html in the zip file after download, this includes the install guide.

This is a full featured stand alone web script. All you need is some web hosting and a MySQL database. There is no need to install any other application or plugins.

Online Documentation:

Online Demo


Username: admin Password: 1234

Release Log

Out Now – Version 2.0

+ Completely rewritten interface using Bootstrap 2.3 and responsive CSS. + Photo Gallery for Recipes + HTML Support for Recipes (includes HTML security system). + JSON API (for getting recipes, can connect to remote installs and display recent recipes on dashboard). + Update Checker - Minor improvements to CRON system. - Upgraded JQuery.

Version 1.2 April 2012: Version 1.2 now includes a number of ajax features that make using the system a breeze, you can delete shopping list items without reloading the page and an easy to use date picker is now included so that you can record when an item was purchased.