EZUploader - Automated FTP Uploading

Last Update
4 May 2012

Have you ever experienced uploading, and overwriting the same file, over and over again? If you have, then you’ve come to the right place. With EZUploader, you can let the application automatically upload certain specified files, once saved. It will detect when to upload, and you can have it running in the background with no notification before uploading, or can be notified and have the option to cancel the file that is about to be uploaded. These settings, along with the FTP settings can be found in the settings box.

EZUploader is not only for web developers. If you are sharing a file with someone, let’s say an image for example, you can allow EZUploader to upload that image every time it is modified. This will be convenient, because the viewer will always see the most up to date image.


Everything in Version Sub directories Improved performance New/better GUI


Automatic FTP Uploading Option to get notified before uploading Hide the application Multiple directory, and extension handling