Have questions? To all who have left comments asking questions these past couple months, and those who may ask questions in the future: If you need help, please email me from my profile page. I’ve been quite busy and am just getting back on track. Email is the fastest way for me to help you.
Current version: 2.5; 13 October, 2012
plum.shop is a JavaScript shopping cart built on the jQuery library. It’s super easy to set up, has support for just about any necessity in an e-commerce store, and at less than 25 KB, you get quite a bit of bang for a very small footprint.
plum.shop features
AJAX-ready. Pages using plum.shop can be loaded with AJAX without calling the plugin again Build an entire store with simple, straightforward HTML markup
Over 30 customizable options and callback functions Multiple tax brackets for countries, regions and local taxes Multiple shipping options 5 included checkout methods including custom checkout, PayPal, Google, Amazon and Skrill
3 cart storage methods including HTML5 localStorage, browser cookies, and server-side sessions
Set up multiple carts per page
Custom, extremely easy-to-use currency formatting
Geolocation for taxes
Fine-tuned shipping
Flat, fixed, variable or range shipping types. Set costs in varying shipping brackets using the range type
Powerful tax options
Single tax rate Multiple taxes on a single order Regional taxes based on your customer’s location Use VAT or sales tax
Unlimited product options
Offer unlimited options for each of your products Automatically generate SKU numbers for various option combinations Adjust prices per option
Browser requirements
Mozilla Firefox 2 or newer Google Chrome Apple Safari 3 or newer Opera 9 or newer Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or newer
Software requirements
jQuery 1.4.1 or newer
Pretty sweet. How do I use it?
Set up is a quick 4 steps. Plum will work on any page where you load the necessary scripts, so you can have a gallery of products, single product pages, and your checkout page all separated.
Include jQuery and plum.shop. <script src="/js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/js/jquery.plum.shop.js"></script> Set up your products. Any element with a “product” class (this can be changed) is a cart container. You can have one, ten, a thousand containers on a page. <div class="product" id="sku-01"> <span class="title">My awesome product</span> <span class="price">$10.00</span> <input class="purchase" type="button" value="Add to cart"> </div> Create a container for the cart display. <div id="cart"></div> Include your cart’s configuration. This is where you can customize how each item looks in the cart, create multiple carts, and add any options you may need. <script> $('#cart').plum('shop', { cartitem: '{title} — {pricesingle} ' + '× {quantity} — ' + '{pricetotal}', paypaluser: 'hello', paypaldomain: 'robocreatif.com' }); </script>
Super Thanks!
As usual, an awesome community is the only way plum.Shop can grow to its full potential. These are people who particularly stand out and have helped me along the way.
mordauk godoloju Jack_the_Ripper Arix ddartman7 mattmackie