Social Buttons Pro for WordPress

Last Update
2 August 2011
Regular License

Social Buttons Pro is the only plugin that combines all of the features of the web’s most popular social buttons with an easy to use shortcode and template tag.

Demo Video Check out the demo video Here On Vimeo (Note: The demo video does not show use of the template tag for obvious reasons )


Currently supports 6 different buttons and 4 services! Shortcode and Template Tag support -This allows you to insert social buttons anywhere in your site, posts, pages, and even automatically generate buttons for every page of your site! Includes a robust tinyMCE plugin that allows you to easily customize and insert social buttons into your posts and pages with no code required! Just point and click! Selective API loading and localization support via slick built in settings panel! All options work with both the template tag and the shortcode! Includes full documentation on how to use both tags and examples.

Facebook Features

Selective API loading Display 3 different button types! Like Button only, Like Button + Share Button combo, Share Button Only Facebook Light / Dark color scheme support Showfaces support Button layout support Localization Support

Google Plus Features

Selective API loading Localization support Supports ALL of the Google Plus button layouts. Show / Hide Plus count support

Tweet Button Features

Selective API loading Customize counter display Hide counter display

LinkedIn Features

Selective API loading Customize counter display Hide counter display

Selective API Loading? A lot of the time plugins that use the Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc social button APIs load them outside of WordPress. If you have a lot of social plugins loading the same API libraries this can cause problems with your social plugins, buttons, or other plugins on your site. Social Buttons Pro allows you to selectively enable / disable the loading of any social api that the plugin uses. This is great for people with custom themes that have libraries hard coded into them, or other plugins on their site that may be buggy or not load the correct libraries.