Customer-friendly Download Login

Last Update
23 June 2012
Regular License
Extended License

You are a graphics designer, a programmer or anybody else who has to distribute files to his customers? Then Customer-friendly Download Login is right for you. It doesn’t need a database, so the setup ist very easy, just upload the files and be sure the PHP script has writing access. A new user is created within two clicks, then you’re ready to upload your files – either via the built in admin interface (Drag’n’Drop support & AJAX Uploading!) or via FTP directly to the user’s directory. Now tell your client his username / password and he can start downloading his files. And only his! Because the download itself is handled via a PHP script, he will not be able to access the files of any other user. And in case you don’t want to use the admin interface (e.g. security reasons – as an admin you can change everyone’s password) – you can set up a user via FTP, too. Just create a directory with the users name and put a file “data.txt” with the md5-encrypted password (generator included) inside. That’s it!

Live Demo To login to the live demo, use this username / password (Editing has been disabled for security reasons):

admin / admin (Admin Interface) Bob / pass (Regular User)

Want more? We finally released the long awaited extended version of Customer-friendly Download Login – Royal Downloads. It’s just $2 extra, and you get folders, user roles, multiple admins, users that can upload files, descriptions and more! Check it out: Royal Downloads

Support instructions To make sure we can help you quickly if you should experience any problems, please send the request via our profile page and make sure to include the following information:

URL to the installation Admin username and password FTP credentials

Browser Compatibility Changelog 1.5.1 – 21th June 2012

Fixed an error with the new file-delivery method

1.5 – 12th June 2012

Changed the method a file is delivered, this is one more secure to work because I sometimes got errors with really large files. Please write me an email if files get corrupted!

1.4.4 – 1st June 2012

Fixed the Quick Start Guide in the Documentation

1.4.3 – 6th March 2012

Fixed a little spelling error

1.4.2 – 8th Aug 2011

Fixed error “Catchable fatal error: Object of class User could not be converted to string” Implemented jQuery directly rather than including the supplied copy, fixes another issue

1.4.1 – 23th Aug 2011

Fixed an issue where the link in an email would be unusable with file names that contain special characters (e.g. spaces)

1.4 – 19th Aug 2011

Folder with general data that is avaible for all users Possibility to send an email to users when a new file is uploaded

1.3.1 – 13th Aug 2011

Fixed a bug where the users welcome text, full name & email would be resetted if he changes his password

1.3 – 12th Aug 2011

Customizable welcome text User can have a login name and a real name Cookie based Login (users stay logged in for two weeks)

1.2.1 – 11th Aug 2011

Fixed a weird issue in the Documentation; The first two steps were simply missing..

1.2 – 10th Aug 2011

Ajax Upload Drag’n’Drop Uploads Added Indicator for Max File Size

1.1 – 5th Aug 2011

Everything is object-oriented now Code is cleaner, better commented and easier understand Fixed critical bug where a user could download any file he wants (The name of the other user and the file name were guesswork, but it would have been possible)

1.0.1 – 4th Aug 2011

Fixed a bug where an undeletable user “htaccess” shows up in the admin panel.

1.0 – 2th Aug 2011

First release.