ePermission - Codeigniter permission library.

Last Update
2 August 2011
Regular License
Extended License

ePermission – Making permissions easy!

ePermission is a simple, lightweight solution for managing user permissions. Built using the datamapper ORM , this solution is ideal for those who want to restrict page access to certain groups.

Sample Code

To fully demonstrate how easy it is to use ePermission, here is a simple demo:

$group = $this->epermission->get("username", $username, 'name'); echo $group; //Output: admin

Easy as pie – Quite literally

Installation only takes a few minutes, and is fully documented to help you get everything running correctly. We have also included a sample demo with a database.sql file to give you a example


Simple installation. Extensive documentation. Easy to integrate to existing products Based on the most powerful codeigniter ORM Clean Commented code Free help and support Fully working demo, with included SQL file to get it working.

Free Support

I am willing to help and support you through any problems you may have, or and features/suggestions that you want implemented. Just shoot me an email (via my DEN ), or leave a comment

Change log


First release!