PHP Exclusive Footer Banner Slider System

Last Update
24 July 2011
Regular License
Extended License

PHP Exclusive Footer Banner Slider is a complete footer banner management system with a solid PHP /MySQL backend. With this system you can easily create banners with 4 images and schedule them to show up on your website. All you need to do is copy three lines of code to integrate to any PHP website! The main attractions of the Footer banner are:

jQuery animated maximized and minimized banner images jQuery CountDown to expiration date (can be specified through the backend) No coding knowledge required. Features: Complete PHP /MySQL backend system Create unlimited banners with complete styling flexibility Unlimited Schedules with whatever date range you wish! If more than one banner get overlapped under multiple schedules with overlapping date range then a random will be shown for each page load. Also option to show a nice jQuery CountDown timer till the end date from today Ability to set default banner with default link if no banner is set for the current date Set your timezone for perfect scheduling Track the number of clicks for a particular schedule. Turn it off if you dont wish to One click clear for unused images and old schedule records Manage the administrator account as well Demo & Documentation Live Demo: Link: Click Here Admin Demo: Link: Click Here Username: admin PassWord: 12345678 (Some functions have been disabled in the demo for better security!) Documentation Link: Click Here Support Forum Click Here and create a new topic stating your problem. Our support team will get back to you within 24 hours. Requirements Server Requirement: PHP Version 5.x.x MySQL Version 5.x Software Requirement: Adobe PhotoShop or similar software for editing the given PSD templates. Knowledge Requirement: Little bit of PhotoShop for editing the banner templates to create your own ones. Concepts of Web Designing to make your own banners with your own style What you will get When you buy the package you get all the following items:

Complete Script with Installation file. You just only need to create a MySQL DataBase. There is nothing else which you need to do related to coding! 4 PSD sets to design your banners. All the 4 sets have default positioning and dimension. You don’t need to change any value while creating a new banner using the system Complete Documentation along with Video Tutorials (+ a Quick Start Video Guide) Coming Soon WordPress Version of this script Better Drag/Drop user interface for positioning different banner elements We have updated the demo links and everything is working now. Due to abuse with the demo admin, we have disabled all functionalities on the demo. But you can still login to see, how things are supposed to work.