CCSlider WP - 3d/2d Slideshow WordPress Plugin

Last Update
29 May 2013
Regular License

Check out the HD video preview here

CCSlider WP makes it easy to embed the CCSlider jQuery slideshow plugin in your WordPress theme. CCSlider is an unique slideshow plugin because of the fact that it supports 3d transitions! There are 14 stunning 3d transitions available, and also 16 stylish 2d transitions. You have the option for mentioning a 2d transition fallback for old browsers that don’t support HTML5 Canvas, which is used for producing the 3d transitions. The slider is fully responsive, works in mobile devices and supports touch gestures to navigate through the slides.The plugin also supports HTML captions, autoplay of slides and custom transitions per slide. See below for a list of features available in the plugin.


14 HTML5 Canvas based 3d animated effects.

16 stylish 2d animated effects.

Fallback to a 2d effect of your choice for browsers that don’t support HTML5 Canvas. Can also mention an animation speed for the fallback effect.

Option to mention the number of slices for 3d effects.

Option to mention the animation delay between individual slices.

Can also mention in which direction the delay will propagate. There are four such directions.

Option to mention the offset along z-axis and the separation between slices while animating for 3d effects.

Mention an easing option of your choice for 3d effects.

Can mention custom transition parameters for each slide.

Option to have a shadow for “Cube” 3d effects. Can also mention a shadow color of your choice.

Option to use transparent png images as slide images for 3d effects.

Supports HTML captions. There are 4 available caption positions – bottom, top, left, right.

Each slide can have a different caption position.

Captions can have animated transitions (fade, slide) or none at all.

Option to have control links to individual slides. Can also have thumbnails as links.

Each slide image can also act as a link to an external page.

Autoplay option. Play/pause buttons are generated when Autoplay option is chosen. In supported browsers HTML5 Page Visibility API is used to stop autoplay when the tab/window containing the slider is out of focus and autoplay is resumed when the tab/window is again in focus, and this helps in preventing unnecessary power and CPU resources consumption.

Option to pause Autoplay when hovering over slider.

Fully responsive and works in all screen sizes ranging from desktop to mobile browsers.

Can navigate through slides using touch gestures in iOS, Android and other touch-screen devices.

Create multiple slideshows and manage them with the Slideshow Manager.

AJAX upload of images. Upload multiple images at once in modern browsers.

Uploaded images are automatically cropped to specified dimensions when used in a slideshow. Thumbnails for control links are also generated automatically.

Drag to sort slide order.

Preview your slideshow before saving it.

Easily embed slideshows using a simple shortcode. Also shortcode for each slideshow created, is visible in the Slideshow Manager.

NOTE: The 3d effects will run only on browsers that support HTML5 Canvas. On the other hand the 2d effects will run on most available browsers. If you choose a 3d effect then you can mention a 2d effect of your choice for browsers that don’t support Canvas. Internet Explorer 8 and below do not support Canvas, but IE 9 and above supports it.

Updated on 22 April, 2013 – version 3.0.2

The slider is now compatible with jQuery 1.9+ . The slider uses HTML5 Page Visibility API, in supported browsers, to stop autoplay when the tab/window containing the slider is out of focus, and resumes autoplay when the tab/window is again in focus.

Updated on 27 June, 2012 – version 3.0.1

Fixed a bug in which the slider stopped working when the prev/next buttons were disabled in the 3d mode.

Updated on 20 June 2012 – version 3.0

The slider now features a fully responsive layout. Slides can be navigated using touch gestures in touch-screen devices. Four caption positions have been provided which are “top”, “bottom”, “left” and “right”. Each slide can have a different caption position.

Updated on 14 February, 2012 – version 2.0.2

Fixed a bug where in Wordpress Multi-Site the wrong path was used in the image resizing script.

Added a fix for the case when uploaded images had spaces in their names, which was causing problems with the image resizing script.

Updated on 16 January, 2012 – version 2.0.1

Fixed a bug regarding inactive image links on the first slide on page load.

Image links on being clicked now open pages in the same window.

Updated the documentation.

Updated on 9 January, 2012 – version 2.0

Added 4 new 3d effects.

Added 6 new 2d effects.

Added support for custom transitions per slide.

Slide images can serve as links to external pages.

Option to use transparent png images as slide images in 3d effects.

Slide images are cropped automatically to specified dimensions. Thumbnails for control links are also generated automatically.

Various bug fixes and tweaks in the interface.

Updated on 25 August, 2011 – version 1.1

Set the maximum image upload size to 2 MB.

Modified the slider css in order to stop Wordpress theme css styles making the slider width zero in 2d mode.

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