
Last Update
3 April 2012
Regular License
Extended License



ShareIt! is a file sharing script that allows you to share your files in a secure and easy way. It provides secure file sharing and multiple user accounts.

Upcoming features:

New skins File messaging (comments)


Password protected files

Multi-user capable Space limits Secure Ajax based Easy to install and update Thumbnail generator jQuery interface effects Beautiful user interface File categories and filters Direct file access Space usage indicators

Features in version 1.1:

Folders URL Shorting (using User registration Notifications Statistics Password change Settings

Site name File size limit Notifications Email Use thumbnails Use short urls Allow new users Notify when new user is registered

* Requirements: apache & mod_rewrite module



Username: admin Password: demo

Version History:

V1 Initial Release July 15th, 2011

V1.1 Bug Fixe ( April 2nd, 2012

Customization & Work I am available for freelancing projects, you can use the form in the right to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can