Fallr - Simple & Elegant Modal Box jQuery Plugin

Last Update
28 March 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Fallr is a general modal box / message window with clean UI to present a notification / confirmation / lightbox / popup / choices / attention / forms / wizard steps / welcome / notice / warning / alert / information / slider / gallery / or whatever dialog you want, in a simple and elegant way.

Buyer Testimonials One of the best modal plugins I have had the good fortune to work with. I love it! ..... this is really well crafted and meets a great number of needs without ever becoming too difficult to manage.-ITTilt Thanks. I really love your plugins. -Behr Great. Buyed. Thanks! -moscoz Love this. ... -westfield Great plugin! -mtwallet

Demo See it live here: http://www.fallr.net

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Changed: $.fallr(‘method’) now becomes $.fallr.method() Fixed: $.browser in jQuery 1.9 Fixed: enter key in textarea


Changed: icon set to Iconic Added: ability to set non-window element as custom boundary Added: afterHide & afterShow for callback options


Fixed: IE7 bug Added: special effects for the box; blink, shake Fixed: uncleared timeout


Added: “resize” public method Added: Autoclose option and no-overlay option, as suggested by Moscoz Changed: “duration” to “easingDuration” in order to avoid confusion with new autoclose feature Deprecated: maxWidth, maxHeight, minWidth, minHeight options Fixed: transparency issue with overlay in IE7/8, thanks to mtwallet Fixed: IE bug with comma before closing bracket, thanks to mtwallet Fixed: odd height calculation Fixed: callback on “set” public method Improved: better keydown handler as suggested by DADU

1.0 (12 Jul 2010)

First version released


CSS3 Github buttons by Nicolas Gallagher Crystal Project & Oxygen Iconset