FB Page Integrator - WordPress Plugin

Last Update
1 March 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Note: Facebook Update (March 2012)

We just updated FB Integrator to support new wider FB Pages. You can use max 780px (width) for images inside Wordpress post. Page is refreshing automatically after user LIKE it.

New width / demo: LIVE DEMO (810px)

How to update: 1. Download plugin and overwrite all files 2. Go to Facebook App settings and change “Page Tab Width” from 520px to 810px

How to add app to FB Fan Page:

Use this link: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&display=popup&next=YOUR_URL

and replace YOUR _APP_ID with app id and YOUR _URL with full url of your FB Integrator page: https://www.website.com/fb-integrator/fan-page/

What is the FB Integrator? WordPress plugin that will allow you to create pre and post LIKE content for Facebook Fan Pages (iframe) using WordPress. You can show an image, SWF file, video from YouTube/Vimeo…

FB Integrator using shortcodes for pre and post-LIKE page so you can easily hide content for non-fans.

Facebook fixed issue with page redirection after user like it!

This plugin support unlimited Facebook Fan Pages on single installation. It can be installed on a clean WordPress website or on the current WP Blog.

FB Integrator is compatible with Lightbox plugin, so you can have a great effects directly on Fan Page.

You MUST have HTTPS protocol enabled on your server if you want to host Facebook Fan Pages. It’s Facebook requirement from Oct. 2010. Ask your hosting company how to enable HTTPS (SSL) or use BlueHost

If you have any questions please contact us using Contact form on our profile: http://codecanyon.net/user/iStudioRS/profile