Ultimate Client Manager - Lite Edition

Last Update
28 June 2012
Regular License
Extended License

August 2013 Update: UCM Pro Edition has just been updated, and we’ve released 6 new plugins for UCM Lite edition (see below!)

new – “White Label” theme for UCM is available. View the theme. Read the newsletter.

Simple Open Source CRM & Project Management System

The most complete and easy to use Invoice, Customer and Project management system available. Host the application on your own website or in house server. Pay once, free upgrades forever!

This feature packed system lets you easily keep all your customer and project details in one place. You can keep website information (ftp details, renewal dates), project information (due dates, requirements), invoices, support requests (help! my email is broken!), payment history, client file uploads and lots more all in one place.

More information available on the Ultimate Client Manager Website and by viewing the Live Demo.

Check out the latest available UCM Lite Edition plugins:

UCM Installation Instructions:

Check requirements below Download the Ultimate Client Manager by clicking here (lite_installer4.zip). (if this doesn’t work please try the old installer) Unzip the files, and upload them into a new empty folder on your website (eg: yourwebsite.com/clients/) Create a MySQL database (your hosting provider can assist) Visit your website where you uploaded the files (eg: yourwebsite.com/clients/) and follow the installation instructions (you will need your licence purchase code, available after buying the item from CodeCanyon) If you have any problems installing the UCM please send a support ticket our way and we can help. Include your licence purchase code, a link to your website and your FTP details so we can set the system up for you if needed. UCM Feature Overview:

Lots! Check out the screenshots and the live demo. Save customer information (name, address, birthdays?) Store website information (usernames, passwords, etc.!)

Todo list: manage todo lists in this application. Show upcoming job tasks as todo items on your UCM dashboard Receive and reply to support requests from customers Allow customers to log in and see their information and payment history Track payments easily with PayPal Store unlimited custom information fields Search customer information Alerts and Reminder notifications for domain renewal / hosting renewals / phone calls.. (set a reminder about anything in any part of the app) a basic ticketing and support system

Split bills – Split payments into multiple invoices (eg: small Deposit invoice, followed by remaining amount)

Email Invoices – Send your invoices as an email, or give the customer a link they can click

Job Overview – Send your customer a link so they can check on project progress

Payment Tracking – Keep a history of payment amounts, dates, methods (cash, cheque, paypal, etc..)

Multiple Currencies – Use $ or £ or any currency you want – invoice different customers with different currencies Create manual invoices Allow staff members to login and manage their assigned jobs Access to a growing plugin database so you can get extra features Fully open source (no encrypted code) so you can modify the system as much as you need and more…

Customer Testimonials If you find this well priced item useful, feel free to buy it a second time or make a donation. This will help me to continue providing support and releasing new features.

UCM Plugins: From time to time we will release additional plugins for the UCM. These plugins will give you additional features that may be suited for your individual business needs.

Newsletter Plugin – send emails to your customers or members, track bounces and open rates. Double opt-in feature available.

Mobile Device View – manage your system from your mobile device.

PDF Invoicing – generate PDF invoices and receipts from your system. email PDF’s straight to customers from your system.

Basic Freelance Finance Manager – track your income and expenses. see an overview of expenses on dashboard. schedule recurring bill payments so you receive reminders.

Group Plugin – group customers, jobs and tickets together for better organisation

POP3 Email Ticket Support System – turn your inbox into a ticket support system

More plugins are currently under development, please click here for more information.

Pro Version Pro version is now available! Click here for more information. Pro is this “lite” version bundled together with all available plugins at a very nice discounted rate.

Requirements: This system runs on your own hosting server, this can be an in-house server or just on your own website (like I have it).

PHP 5.3 (will run on 5.2 but 5.3 is recommended) MySQL database Lots of client information that you would love to keep in one place A web server (preferably Linux Apache, it will probably NOT work on a Windows hosting account – although people report it does) A public facing website (eg: yourwebsite.com/admin_system/) if you want to use payment processing (eg: paypal) .htaccess mod_rewrite is nice to have, if you get 404 errors then ask your hosting provider to enable ”.htaccess mod_rewrite” or go into config.php and change _REWRITE_LINKS from true to false

Support If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.

Live Demo: To access the live demo please click here This demo re-sets itself with clean information every so often, so feel free to create customers, websites, projects, payments, and support tickets. You can even send yourself an invoice email to test that feature.

There is more information and installation instructions over on the website:http://www.ultimateclientmanager.com/lite-edition/. Please feel free to ask any questions here, or send me a direct message. If you have any suggestions.


UCM on CodeCanyon – a code ecosystem iWebAsk – 11 best client management scripts Ultimate Client Manager Website

Recent Change Log April 7th 2012

Updates to better support PHP5.3 file type determinations (ticket attachments, file uploads) New Feature: Paid Priority Support – get payments from customers to move support tickets to front of queue New Feature: Ticket Priority Option: High, Medium, Low – tickets sorted by priority New Feature: customer wont be able to create “New Extra Fields” under their account if they only have EDIT permissions and not CREATE permissions New Feature: ability to edit the “date created” on invoices New Feature: date created and customer address available in invoice template New Feature: ability to create MANUAL INVOICES with no pre-existing completed job Fix: contact and date search not working correctly in tickets Fix: customer could see “mark invoice sent” button but button did nothing Fix: 11th 12th 13th sometimes shown as 11st 12nd 13rd Fix: remove link to “view public job” when customer doesn’t have task view permissions

April 15th 2012

Fix: Internet Explorer note popup not working Fix: automatically mark invoice as sent when emailing through system Permissions: new “delete” permission for customer contact New feature: Default file status in configuration options

April 18th 2012

Fix: displaying links in support tickets that do not start with http:// or https://

April 19th 2012

New Feature: The main invoice list will show if any invoices are linked to a Priority Ticket New Feature: tickets now show different colors for different status (resolved=green, in progress=orange,new=red)

April 20th 2012

New Feature: Recaptcha on Login Screen. Change Settings > Advanced > “login_recaptcha” from 0 to 1 to enable. New Feature: system will remember which page you were on in Invoices and Ticket listings

April 27th 2012

Fixes: blank url’s clickable in website list, option to remove url from website area, generate invoice alert will not display to people who do not have permission to create invoices New Feature: split contact details up into First Name and Last Name New Feature: a configurable “Done Date” for individual job tasks

April 29th 2012

New Feature: ability to assign ticket numbers (eg: 1st of 22) by their last message date (default) or by their ticket id. Change ticket_ordering from latest_message_last to ticket_id in Advanced Settings.

May 5th 2012

New Feature: ability to include “extra fields” from the invoice page in the invoice PDF file and external invoice view. If the extra field is called “Purchase Order” then go to Settings > Templates > external_invoice and put this code in the template {PURCHASE ORDER}. This will work for any extra field, no matter what you call it. New Feature: Individual “date completed” dates for each task in a job. Ability to show or hide these dates in the advanced settings area. Ability to manually adjust the date completed date for each individual task. New Feature (woa! successful Saturday!): An optional default “Invoice Prefix” and “Tax Rate” for each customer. Fix: move “Country” from the middle to the bottom of the address block New Feature: ability to adjust the address titles (eg: State, Suburb, Region) – check the advanced settings

May 10th 2012

Fix: ability to assign “delete” permissions on jobs correctly. Delete button will only display if user has job delete permissions. Fix: images in PDF templates now work better – please include the full URL to the image (ie: with the http:// part and everything) to get the best success.

May 14th 2012

New Feature: configuration variable to set the default online payment method (defaults to paypal) – this automatically highlights the default payment method so the customer can simply click “Pay” to pay for their invoice. Please see Settings > Advanced > invoice_default_payment_method New Feature: ability to re-assign tickets to new customer accounts. I suggest you use this new permission under “User Roles” to get the best results. You can now set a “blank” default customer in the ticket settings area, and assign the ticket to a customer when it arrives in. Please send feedback or requests about this new change via a support ticket. New Feature: groups are now included in the customer export CSV file Fix: invoice amount in email now shows in the correct selected currency

May 15th 2012

New Feature: ability to re-assign a ticket to a different contact under a customer account New Feature: Added basic multi-currency support to the finance module

May 17th 2012

New Feature: Searching by “Group” within customers.

May 21st 2012

New Feature/Fix: the “All Customer Contacts” permission now applies to individual customers (which makes sense). If you deny “view” permission the contact will not be able to view its own customer contacts. If you deny “edit” permission the contact will be able to view, but wont be able to edit other contacts. New Feature: the popup calendar is now easier to translate. All month names/day names can be translated from the language file. You can also control the calendar start date and how many years forward/back the popup displays from the advanced configuration. New Feature: the ability to combine contact accounts from multiple customers. This allows one contact to login, but gain access to both of their customer records in the system. To link contacts between customers simply create a contact with the same email address under multiple customers and follow the prompts that appear. This is also a great way to see if you have mistakenly added the same contact email address to multiple customers.

May 22nd 2012

Fix: when a customer overpays an invoice a button appears to assign this overpayment as a credit against their account. This button now works. New Feature: for the Finance Plugin: Ability to search financial transactions by date New Feature: for the Finance Plugin: Ability to export found transactions to a CSV file Fix: importing Customers, Jobs and Websites via CSV file didn’t work on certain hosting providers (due to long URL restrictions) – importing has been changed and should work on all hosting providers now

May 24th 2012

Fix: the date picker is now translatable – and the date format has been resolved. Please do another update and tick the “core” option (if it isn’t already ticked) to receive this update. New Feature: when customer is creating a ticket within the system, the “extra fields” will display ready for input (before they had to submit their ticket before these were available) New Feature: customer has the option to choose their priority level (except paid!) from a drop down list. Set the advanced option ticket_allow_priority_selection from 0 to 1 to enable this drop down box. It enabled in the public iframe embed ticket form, as well as the internal client ticket form

June 17th 2012

New big feature: recurring manual invoices (ie: without a recurring job). New feature: custom hourly rates for invoice items New feature: ability to disable certain payment options (eg: paypal) on a per invoice basis! New feature: the text from “external invoice” is now available within template editor (rather then editing the invoice_payment_methods.php file)

June 21st 2012

Fix: custom fields against renewed Jobs and Invoices are copied across successfully

June 26th 2012

New Feature: File commenting and tagging. View the screencast by clicking here: http://www.screenr.com/Hfl8 New Feature: Customer logos will now show as a preview in the main customer page New Feature: Login history. Go to /security.login_history to see recent logins from your staff and users

July 6th 2012

New Feature: Dates now appearing in invoices Fixes: lots of tiny fixes and features added over the past two weeks New Feature: ability to email jobs to customers straight form the system, great for getting pre-approval on jobs before commencing. New Feature: got a support ticket with lots of messages? the system will hide previous messages making large tickets open faster, you can click a button to see previous tickets (eg: Click Here to See Previous 89 Messages)

July 9th 2012

Fixes: Position fix in support ticket email New feature: configure tasks/invoices hours column header (eg: Call it “Hours” or “Hours/Qty” or “Qty”) see advanced settings New Feature: searching by invoice create date.

July 12th 2012

New feature: individual NON TAXABLE items within Jobs and Invoices.

July 20th 2012

Lots of little tweaks here and there!

August 3th 2012

Tweak: if you have tax calculation issues, try changing the “tax_calculation_mode” from 0 to 1 in the advanced settings.</il>

New Feature: invoice discounts, support for before tax and after tax discounts. see new option in advanced settings Bug fix: the dates shown on renewable jobs and invoices now show correctly. ie: 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2013 instead of 1/1/2012 to 1/1/2013 for a 1 year renewing hosting invoice

August 4th 2012

New Feature: forgot password button New Feature: (finally!) hashed passwords</il>

August 24th 2012

Fix: job tasks now correctly log hours when just ticking “completed” box Fix: dashboard summary correctly reflects hours/amounts from job tasks</il>

Sep 7th 2012

Fix: blank pages in mobile view plugin Fix: some links on dashboard didn’t link to customer page correctly</il>

New Feature: importing into customers allows defining customer contact role/password Helper: editing bank transfer templates from within Settings > Payments, rather than going to Settings > Templates

Oct 1st 2012

Fix & Improvements: Website Import via CSV (try it out! it’s awesome) preview of what the import action will do (eg: create/replace/link to existing customers) Fix: a better warning message for hosting accounts that implement the suhosin max_vars security restriction on CSV import

Product Support If you require assistance please feel free to use our support system by clicking here. Please do not post support requests on the item discussion board – these are not checked regularly and your question may go unanswered for weeks.